
Friday, 1 November 2013

Is November NaNoWriMo or NoWriNoMo?

For me it's the latter. November is Not Writing a Novel in a Month. How anybody can even contemplate this is a mystery to me. I have always presumed these intrepid writers send the kids to Grandma, take the month off work and train partners to do all the housework and shopping and keep the caffeine coming at regular intervals.

But then I discover that plenty of these NaNoWriMo writers do have other things to worry about; they get the kids to school and do the shopping and many of them go to work for at least some of the time. And they still manage to bang out over 1,000 words a day.

They must be super-organised. They have probably filled the freezer with nutritious brain food meals and have organised stocks and supplies for snacks so they don't need an emergency trip to the supermarket for teabags or light-bulbs half way through chapter 3. Perhaps friends and grand-parents have been roped in to do a bit of childminding, but even so many writers are balancing on a tightrope between life and writing. They have my admiration and I wish them all success.

So, while I may not have aspirations to write a novel during November, I have set myself the goal of writing a short story in the next month  Not 50,000 words, 2,000 will do so that's 66.6 (recurring) words a day. Should be easy peasy. Except I'm taking ages to navigate my way round a new keyboard, to say nothing of Windows 8, which I didn't even know existed until 2 days ago, and Word 2013 (which will be out if date in 2 months' time). So it might have to be a very short story.

There's also a pile of washing, another of ironing and a fair bit of dust but I bet even NaNoWriMo writers don't do that, do they?


  1. I thought about doing this for about half an hour the other week. Then I came to my senses. I just don't work that fast. It would become a massive chore and setting myself up for failure. Some people do take a month off work but that would be my full holiday entitlement for the year!

    I wrote a novel in two years, which seems fine to me. I do want to make second-novel progress in November though. I'll aim for 5000 words and the formulation of a plan that will take me through to the end.

    Good luck with your short story ...

  2. Its definitely NoNo for me, Lindsay.

  3. I don't do NaNoWriMo either, Lindsay. I tried it once and felt really miserable.
    My novel is in its final stages and has taken eighteen months to get this far. I have no intention of putting any kind of time limit on it because I'm enjoying the writing so much.
    Although I have a fair bit of time available for writing, I still wouldn't choose to work at that speed. It would be like gulping down a gorgeous meal in ten seconds. I prefer to savour every word and I hate being under any sort of pressure.

  4. I did do it once, and it really helped to get so many words down, even if they had to be whipped into shape afterwards - I like that kind of motivation (or maybe I'm a glutton for punishment!)

    These days I do a sort of unofficial version, pushing myself to write as many words as I can each day, whether it's a short story or part of my novel.

  5. Thanks for all the comments. It certainly does make us think about how we write best. I like Karen's idea of the unofficial version, Nobody else need know if you don't quite make the grade!
