Published work

Published work includes :

Selected Flash Fiction :

  • A Rose Petal Falls: Death, Lifespan 12, Pure Slush. (2024)
  • Forgiveness: Furious Fiction May 2024. Can be found by scrolling down here
  • Playing By The Rules: Fictionette 2023. Read it here
  • Some Memories Will Be Erased : Write-In National Flash Fiction 2023. Read it here
  • When You'd Like To Give Full Marks: Write-In National Flash Fiction 2023. Read it here
  • Much Time Has Passed: Bright Flash Literary Review 2023.Read it here.
  • Eighteen Hours of Rain: Write-In National Flash Fiction 2022. Read it here 
  • Lessons Learned in The Playground: Free Flash Fiction Read it here.
  • The Mature Woman's Guide to Exciting and Fulfilling New Relationships: Write-In National Flash Fiction, 2021 can be read very quickly here.
  • Waiting for A Good Fit: Flash Flood Journal 2021 Read it here
  • Faded: Flash Fiction Magazine. Read it here
  • Deliquesce: verb, become liquid. Dissolve in moisture from air. Deliquescence: noun. Deliquescent: adjective: Write-In National Flash Fiction, 2020. Read it here
  • The Twenty-five Step Method to Achieve Perfect Focus in All Your Endeavours: Flash Flood Journal 2020. Read it Here
  • 27th January 1995: Every Day Fiction.  Read it here
  • Shoebox: Reflex Fiction, Autumn 2018. 
  • Waiting: Flash Flood Journal 2018. Read it here.
  • No Mirrors: Reflex Fiction, Spring 2017 Barely Casting A Shadow (Reflex Fiction Vol 1, 2018)
  • Bird Music: The Great British Write Off - Timeless Echoes (2016) 
  • Gone: The Best of Café Lit 2013
  • Leaving: The Best of Café Lit 2012
  • Beneath the Arches: An Earthless Melting Pot (Words with Jam)
  • Various 75 words stories on Paragraph Planet Sample paragraphs.
  • Monologue: Mslexia
  • 60 word story: Woman's Weekly

Short Stories:
  • A Leg to Stand On: Older, Lifespan 11, Pure Slush. (2024)
  • A Change of Direction: Sparx 8, The Society of Women Writers Victoria (2023) 
  • The Art of Making Friends: Sparx 7, The Society of Women Writers Victoria (2022)
  • Second Hand Rose: Dress You Up, New Lit Salon Press (USA) (2021)
  • Malika's Parting Gift: Café Lit Magazine. Read it here.
  • A Girl Can Dream: Yours Magazine, edition 361, (2020)
  • Still Life: Hysteria 6 Anthology (2017) Read it here.
  • The Importance of Shoelaces: Stories for Homes 2 (2017)
  • Chocolate in Summer: Greenacre Writers Anthology Vol 2, &  
  • Sad Old Man: Writers' News (website), Greenacre Writers Anthology Vol 3
  • The Depths of Memory: Greenacre Writers Anthology Vol 1 
  • Night Call: Voices from The Web Anthology 2012

Selected Non Fiction:
  • Journeys Across the Ocean: Every Family has a Story, Family History ACT, the Heraldry and Genealogy Society of Canberra Inc. (2022) 
  • Finding Timbuktu: Sun Rider Press.  Read it here
  • Stream of Consciousness Challenge: Cabinet of Heed. It resides in Drawer Six
  • Mining for Australian Literature. Cath Barton's blog.
  • From Atlantic to Pacific: A Visit to Costa Rica. Rachel Gilbey's blog . 
  • Five Days in the Life... Reading Russia on the TranSiberian railway. Rachel Gilbey's blog.
  • Wanderings in Senegal. Rachel Gilbey's blog.
  • Taking the Plunge: in Morgen Bailey's Competitive Edge column in Writers' Forum, June 2018
  • Rejected: Writing District. Read it here
  • Forget Bournemouth, How About Samarkand? Senior Travel Expert website. Read it here.
  • Wading Rivers in Nepal: Roadjunky website
  • Ten articles published by - no longer available online.
  • Book Talk: The People's Friend. 

Competition places:
  • 1st prize: Writing Magazine, WriteOnSite, The Great British Write Off 2016, Senior Travel Expert writing competition 2017, Hysteria 2017. 
  • 2nd prize: Writers' News
  • 3rd Prize: Words with Jam
  • Runner up/Highly commended: Writers' News, Flash500 Autumn 2020.
  • Shortlisted: Roadjunky, Writers' News, 5 Minute Fiction,  Bad Language National Flash Fiction 2012, Chudleigh Phoenix 2013, Flash500 Summer 2013, 100 Words of Solitude, St Kilda Historical Society writing competition 2020, Hawkeye Publishing Manuscript Development Prize, 2021, AWC Furious Fiction May 2024.
  • Longlisted: Frome Short Story Competition 2014, Reflex Fiction Spring 2017, Ad Hoc Fiction, Flash500 Spring 2018, Flash500 Novel Opening 2018, Wordsmag 2020, AWC Furious Fiction Jan 2020 & Jan 2021, Brilliant Flash Fiction 2023.  

Publications as Editor:
  • Finchley Remembered II, 2016
  • Greenacre Writers Anthology Vol 3  (co-editor, 2014
  • Greenacre Writers Anthology Vol 2  (co-editor), 2013
  • Greenacre Writers Anthology Vol 1  (co-editor), 2011

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