And there is the problem. I knew in my heart that this would be an issue and it was the first point Gillian made.
It's a novel about contemporary life but I began writing it nine years ago and life has moved on. 2006 had a different feel to 2015 especially when it comes to technology. My character is divorced, 50 and has a daughter of 20. To make her 50 in 2015 I would have to completely re-invent her backstory. And I'm not sure I can write with the same authenticity the very essence of somebody born in the mid 60s rather than the mid 50s.
The answer is of course to make her 60. I can do that. But her daughter will be 30 - a big difference. And the issues at 60 are not necessarily those at 50 - or are they?
After all, women hitting 60 today aren't retiring with cosy slippers and some knitting - they'll be about 108 before they get their state pension. Some have taken retirement from one job but are embarking on another, or are setting up a business. Some still have teenagers at home. Some even decide, God forbid, to have a baby. They travel, they study for degrees, they enter marathons. Yes, some do. They really do. Yes, some also look after grandchildren, have knee replacements, need several trips to the loo at night, but who says these are incompatible with dipping a toe in the dating game?
So I am embarking on a huge rewrite...
Another helpful piece of advice? Gillian suggested I go to a speed-dating event. Purely in the name of research of course. Why the hell did I have that as a scene in the novel? Why couldn't my character just go somewhere exciting like New York? Oh, wait, she does.
Speed dating? That's not the kind of advice I'd have expected from an editor!
Are you going to?
Gillian is acting as mentor rather editor, although she is a professional editor! Maybe she thought I looked a bit desperate!
Doing some of the stuff your character does sounds like good advice to me - especially if it's something you might enjoy or find interesting.
Speed dating IN New York. That and a rewrite/title change calls for a massive amount of bravery, which I'm sure you have. Good luck, Lindsay!
Could it actually be set in 2005? Ten years ago is not the present so it must be the past?
I'm just laughing at Patsy's idea of trying out some of the things you character does... I DO NOT want to go up in a hot air balloon!
I'd much rather go up in a hot air balloon that go speed dating, Wendy. I did go in a balloon in Egypt - it was brilliant! I'll let you know if I venture to a speed date!!!
Suggesting you go on a speed dating event! my goodness. That is taking research very far... who might you meet???that might give rise to a whole new novel :)
With my luck, Jenny, I'd meet the same sort of people that my heroine did. She was not impressed!
I'm all for research, Lindsay!
The first article I ever got published in a national magazine was about choosing the sex of your baby. The research took me six months...A for rewriting - good luck - it really is worth it in the end.
I think you should go for it. What's to lose?
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